Monday, 13 October 2014

Satiemania- Zdenkó Gasparovich

Satiemania- Zdenkó Gasparovich

This animation was created in 1978 by Oscar nominated Croatian director Zdenkó Gasparovich.

The first part of this animation simply consists of a selection of hand drawings of various  different characters walking, often just showing just their legs and feet. Many of the drawings have been done in a lot of different styles, and the transitions between the images of each of the different characters are not very consistent at all.

The whole animation seems to have been created by different hand drawing techniques. Although this does not create consistency, it is interesting to see all the different styles and characters that have been used, and how the drawing styles relate to the characters that have been drawn.
The style of many of  these drawings used gives the effect that they have been drawn quite quickly, as if the artist had possibly been drawn partly from observation, which questions what sort of lifestyle the artist themselves may have.

The main part of the animation shows different women and things they are doing. This mainly focuses on the darker side of city life, for example there are many scenes of women working in brothels.

The animation also includes a set of various comical scenes of violence. These are probably filled with metaphors, however they switch from one to the other s fast that it is difficult to work out exactly what they mean.

I found this animation interesting to watch, but quite confusing at the same time. I wasn't sure if there was supposed to be any particular narrative to the short film, or if there were many metaphors used or just one large metaphor throughout. However I did like a lot of the drawings used to create this animation, and it was clear that the artist had spent a lot of time drawing these and putting them together to create a bigger project.

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