Monday, 20 October 2014

Idea For My Animation Story

For my animation, I have decided to use the brief of adapting a folk tale in my own way.

I have chosen to use the story of Rapunzel, as well as the typical 'princess in a tower, waiting to be rescued' scenario of a few folk/fairy tales.

Rapunzel is not like the usual princesses in fairy tales; she is more similar to a modern teenage girl. As she is locked in her tower, I would like to use this in a way that makes her similar to a teenager who likes to spend a lot of their time on their own in their room. For example, while Rapunzel waits to be rescued by a prince, she likes to spend her time on the internet, playing video games, eating takeaway food, and sleeping. She will often trip over her long hair and not bother too much with her appearance.

The basic story of my animation will be:
  • Rapunzel is waiting in her tower for her prince, killing time.
  • She sees online that another princess is about to get married, this makes her feel more disheartened.
  • She orders pizza for herself one night and the pizza delivery guy tries to have a conversation with her, shows interest.
  • This happens again a little while later, they talk and have things in common, e.g. video games. Rapunzel starts to develop a small crush on him.
  • One night the pizza guy arrives out of the blue with Rapunzel's favourite pizza and a new video game (or something like that), and asks if he can come in and chill with her.
  • Rapunzel agrees, he climbs up her hair and they sit in her messy room together playing video games and eating pizza, like 'normal' teenagers.

I am hoping this will all fit into the maximum of 120 seconds that I have for my animation.
However, if I have any time to spare, some other short animated sequences could be added in, such as:
  • Rapunzel overhearing a conversation for the witch who imprisoned her about how she thinks Rapunzel will never be rescued by a prince.
  • Rapunzel washing her hair in the rain.
  • Another princess calling up Rapunzel, inviting her to her engagement party, to which Rapunzel makes an excuse not to be able to go.

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