Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Animated Scene In Flash - Pizza Order

The next short scene that I decided to attempt to animate in Flash was the shot of Rapunzel's laptop as she orders pizza online.

I wasn't sure on how to create the pizza website on the laptop screen, so I decided to combine my own simple hand drawings and a simple line image of a laptop, to create the main subject of this scene. I edited and combined both of these using Photoshop: 

Once I had uploaded this into Flash, I played about with colours a bit and then went about animating the mouse, which would be the only moving object in this sequence.

I drew a simple mouse with the pencil tool in flash and converted it into a symbol. I then made a motion tween and motion path so that the mouse would move across the screen as desired:

I spent some time experimenting how I would use colour and shapes within the image of the laptop and pizza website, and decided to add some polygons as keys for the laptop as well. 

Compared to the first scene that I created for my animation in Flash, it is clear that I had improved my understanding of creating and using motion tweens, as it took me a lot less tries to create one for the mouse, and that Ihad started to think about colour, design and details of my sequences visual look more:

This is how my sequence of Rapunzel ordering pizza online on her laptop ended up:

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