Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Animated Scene in Flash - Rapunzel Frowning

Again, for this scene, I used another of my previous Flash files as a template to work from, this one from my animation of Rapunzel smiling, and turned it into an animation of her frowning and looking upset.

The only parts of this that would be changed were the three moving parts that were previously used to create her smiling expression: her eyes, eyebrows and mouth.

I started off my removing the animation of her eyes squinting, so that they were just the same still shape the whole time.

Then I moved on to animating her mouth. I started with the same first shape as I did for her smiling, and then converted it into a symbol. I created a simple shape tween and altered the shape of the mouth into a frowning shape. This animation was quite similar to that of Rapunzel's mouth smiling so it was fairly easy to create.

The final piece of this animation to animate was Rapunzel's eyebrows. Although her eyebrows did move in my short animation of her smiling, to create a more effective frowning expression they would have to raise in more of a pivot/rotating motion from an axis, rather than just moving up the screen.
To do this I selected her eyebrows and made them into a symbol again, and created a motion tween. Similarly to when I was creating the movement of her legs swinging in one of my previous short animated scenes, I had to make sure that the outsides of her eyebrows stayed at a similar point throughout the animation, so that they would move correctly:

This is how my animated sequence of Rapunzel frowning at her laptop screen, upset that yet another princess is getting married, ended up:

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