Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Animated Scene in Flash - Rapunzel Lying on her Bed

The next scene that I went about animating was a bit different from the previous two, as this scene was from more of a wide angle shot, of Rapunzel lying on her bed while on her laptop.
This shot probably could have still been used without any animated parts to it, however I did not want this scene to be one still shot, and creating interesting small animations for this scene was a good way to improve my skills in Flash.

For this animated sequence I used quite a few layers, which was challenging at times, however I definitely learned a lot about organising the different parts of my animation, and how different lines and colours affect what is going on in the scene. This was also the scene which helped me decide on a lot of the colours that I have used throughout my first animated sequence.

Within this scene I included three main animated parts, all of which I used motion tweens to create.

The first animated parts I decided to create were Rapunzel's legs swinging up and down. I found this particularly challenging, as, to create a fluid motion I had to make sure that both legs moved from a sort of pivoted axis, with one part of them staying in the same place at all times. I also had to use one layer for each leg within the motion tween symbol, and make sure that they moved correctly at the same time and pace:


The next animated parts that I created for this sequence were Rapunzel's hands moving over her laptop, to create the effect of her typing and using the mouse on her laptop. Although I had to draw the hands in on Flash (as my original hand sketch did not include hands), I found this easier than creating her legs, as the parts were a lot smaller and not having to move so much. Again I used symbols and motion tweens to create this movement:

The final animated part that I created was simply of Rapunzel's eyes blinking. I did not originally intend to use this, however since this scene was a few seconds long I thought it would give more of a subtle naturalness to her character and movements.
This did not take long to create, and I used a motion tween to create this simple animation as well:


Most of the background and static objects that I used for this scene were again from my own hand drawings scanned into a computer and changed to more defined JPEGs through Photoshop, however I did have to do a small bit of drawing and altering through Flash itself:

This is how my sequence of Rapunzel lying on her bed on her laptop turned out:

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